Friday, August 8, 2008

baby blake

blake was born on december 13th 2006. he was 6 and a half weeks early and weighed in at 5 pounds almost one ounce. he stayed in the NICU (neo natal intensive care unit) for 11 days and came home on christmas eve! he couldnt breath on his own he had jaundice and had to wear sweet sunglasses, and he couldnt eat on his own they had to tube feed him, so he dropped down to 4 lbs 8 oz which is still huge for a baby that sick and early. There arent words to describe the empty feeling you have when you have to go home without your baby. Ive never cried more or prayed more in my life. I spend everyday by his side in the NICU begging heavenly father to help our little boy. We brought him home a mere 11 days later (which is un heard of for a baby so early) on christmas eve.

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