Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How We Met

I went to institute (a church class) on tuesday night and Mike was greeting everyone at the door. we shook hands and i took my seat. I remember looking at him and thinking oh, hes cute, but i was there with someone else and had about 400 other boyfriends at the time(that may be a slight exaggeration but there were plenty in the works) and thought nothing of him. Then I showed up the next day to be a receptionist at a car dealership and he sold cars there. We became friends and were friends for 6 or 7 months before i texted him and said when are you gunna stop flirting with me and just ask meout? i got a text back saying work was not the place to discuss. and a few minutes later got another text that said dinner after work? Obviously i agreed to go, so there we sat at ruby tuesday and the first words we both said to eachother were " I dont want anything serious" ...well here we are married and 2 kids...but its not serious! haha!
The funny thing is before we started dating or even thinking of dating I used to tell him "were gunna get married and have cute little mormon babies" needless to say he thought i was crazy... and I am but I was right.

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